Livestream Concert this Tuesday Night, and Other News!

Wherever you are, we hope you're doing well. We've been keeping busy, making the most of the time, and the fellas are all great. We’ve been spending quite a bit of time in the studio, we have a pretty good pile of new tunes recorded and mixed, but we figure we might as well just keep recording. This next record should be a pretty robust one, we're very excited to share it with you and it should be coming down the line shortly.

In the mean time, we wanted to give you a heads up that we'll be doing a FACEBOOK LIVE ACOUSTIC LIVESTREAM THIS TUESDAY NIGHT, 7:00 PM EST. It's gonna be a trio format, very informal, and we'd love it if you could tune in. Requests are always welcome, and the show will be free but feel free to contribute via PayPal, Venmo etc. if inclined.

Also wanted to give you a heads up that we'll be getting some fresh merch on the ONLINE STORE soon, but for now there are some good deals like $10 hats. We really appreciate all the support you folks have shown us over there, and we couldn't keep this train rollin' without ya.

Speaking of keeping this train rolling, warm weather is around the corner here in Maine and we're excited to play some outdoor rock and roll shows. Our agent Dell is currently booking socially distant, safe shows for spring and summer, and with the world being as it is we have more room on the calendar than normal for private parties, backyard BBQS, and that sort of thing. Full band, acoustic, duo, trio, whatever works. Hit up Dell to book a show.

Last thing - Luke was recently a guest on the "Doers and Shakers" podcast, and the rest of us in the band agree that it was a really nice interview and we all enjoyed listening to it, and we thought you might too. LISTEN HERE

Again, thank you all for the continued support, we can't wait to see you as soon as possible, keep up the good work out there and big cheers,